ONESQA(Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment)は、タイの 教育機関の教育評価や認定を行う独立機関でオネスカと読みます。

※当園はISAT(International Schools association of Thailand)の加盟園でもあります。下記のロゴをクリックして、「Seeh Phinong International Kindergarten」 とご入力頂くと当園の名前が出てまいります。

ONESQA Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment This Certificate is presented to SEEH PHINONG INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN Has completed External Quality Assurance (2023 – 2027) from Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment
The basic education Level (Special purpose) International School
Since 20th July 2023
Issued certificate date: 10 August 2023